I am in line to get 7 chicks!!!! They are scheduled to hatch January 1st if the eggs cooperate! I am SO excited. AND bless my sweet hubby’s heart. I come up with these ideas, wants and desires and it causes him more work but, he helps me go through with it. We have a purple playhouse that guinea girl never really used much and then back in 2017, a tornado flipped it on its side. It’s not in perfect condition, but, I figure the hens won’t mind. SO, the hubby is converting it into a hen house! We have many predators that would gobble up a chicken. This playhouse was stick built, finished inside with power and all. Sounds like a safe place for a few egg baring pets?
I’m already, planning. They will stay in our house until they get too big. Then they will move to the garage with our Great Pyrenees until they are feathered out.
This pic is what a Lavender English Orpington looks like. They are big and fluffy. Guinea girl wants all black, I want all white so, we are supposed to get a mix of colors. I asked for 6 but the lady said she will give me 7.